Perception process 3 stages
Perception process 3 stages

Perceptual expectancy on the other hand implies, how and what we perceive will depend on our past experiences, biological factors or the culture. For example, a group of employees while attending a training program may selectively follow or understand the instructions of the trainer as they might be dissuaded by other factors like the trainer’s personality, voice quality, training hall ambience or the other participant’s participation. Selective Attention is the process of demarcating what is important and less relevant. In the case of perception, the brain organizes the information and interprets it into something meaningful, which is again influenced by selective attention and perceptual expectancy. In the process of sensation, our sensory organs by being exposed to a stimulus in the environment absorb energy, which is then converted to neural impulses and transmitted to the brain by the sensory receptors. However, both are different as they process information differently. One cannot perceive of sensation without perception or even perception without sensation. In the absence of sensation or perception, it will be difficult for us to make sense out of the stimuli which is presented by the outside world or the environment around us. Sensation and perception complement and balance each other well.

perception process 3 stages

Other factors like motivation, beliefs, life experiences, prejudices, our values and environmental factors or the cultural context, equally influence our perception. Attention plays a crucial role in determining what is being sensed or perceived.

perception process 3 stages

Attention is also one of the crucial factors which influence sensation and perception. Though perceptions are built from the sensory inputs, but it is not necessary that all sensations might result in perception. The perceptual process is psychological while sensation is more of a physical process. It also involves top-down processing because the perceptual process is concerned with the interpretation of the sensory stimuli based on our knowledge, thoughts and past experiences. The process of perception entails top-down and bottom-up processing, bottom-up because perceptual process starts with the inputs received from the sensory receptors. It is perception which determines how we will actually interpret the sensory information or the stimuli and interact with the environment. The process of perception starts with the exposure to a stimuli present in the environment and concludes with the interpretation of the stimuli or is experienced consciously. Perception on the other hand will depend on the way in which one interprets the sensory stimuli. Sensory receptors detect the stimuli or the sensory information and pass it onto the central nervous system through a process of transduction which is the process of conversion of sensory stimulus to action potential.

perception process 3 stages

Perception process 3 stages series#

Perception which is derived from the term “Percept” refers to a series of processes which we have to undergo to make sense of the stimuli which we encounter mentally by organization and interpretation of information about the environment we live in or are subjected to.

Perception process 3 stages